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Join us for a worth cause Drum Circle Fundraiser for Humble Oak Nature School

I will be facilitating an all-ages family friendly Drum Circle. This high energy event will bring people together with the sound and rhythm.
All costs of the drum circle have been covered so that means every dollar collected will directly support Humble Oak! We are so excited to support the growth of this outdoor learning center.
We are suggesting a minimal donation of $15 for an individual and $30 for a family. But this is a give as you will offering. If it be energetic or monetary, we are beyond excited for your support of children.
For tickets click on the link provided.

The Jolly Seven Set

Usually every other year Tracy and I go to Ireland for relaxation (for her) and some Irish Drumming (for me) at the South Sligo SummerSchool. However last year and this year they have had to close the summer school because of the Covid Virus…Today’s tuneset goes out to them, to all the teachers, especially Junior Davey 🙂 and the friends that I have created while there in Tubbercurry, Ireland…I hope that things will settle down and we will be able to attend next year…All of you are in our thoughts.


I hope you are having a wonderful year… Enjoy these :-)

Happy New Year!

I hope you all are having a Safe & Healthy New Year…

Since last year, I have composed 4 New Songs of varying musical styles..
Maid Behind the Bar Set and Ten Penny Set are Irish tune sets.
Happiness is in a Pop Style and January Memories is in the country style.

I hope that you will enjoy these four songs…People have asked if I write all of these songs. The answer is that I do arrange all of these tunes and some of them are totally my songs. From this list, I arranged the two Irish Sets and composed and arranged Happiness and January Memories. If you like these please let me know and share them with your friends and family…

Enough for now 🙂  Again, please stay safe and healthy.