All posts by Scottc06

Scott Cincotta, is a music educator, drum clinician,professional percussionist and sound healer. Some of Scott’s many musical endeavors include being the owner of Cincotta Music Enterprises LLC, the facilitator of the Union Grove Village Drum Circle, a percussion/music theory instructor, a composer for Cincotta Publications, a Wisconsin School Music Association master adjudicator and field representative, and the percussionist for the Irish/Celtic Band “Celtic Gypsies” and for the Jazz Band “Twang Shui“.

And here is one for March 1st

Red Road Ethic 3
Search for Yourself, by Yourself Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. Accept yourself and your actions. Own your thoughts. Speak up when wrong, and apologize. Know your path at all times. To do this you must know yourself inside and out, accept your gifts as well as your shortcomings, and grow each day with honesty, integrity, compassion, faith, and brotherhood. I have made myself what I am. —TECUMSEH, SHAWNEE, 1768–1813 From: 365 Days of Walking the Red Road

Think About This!

Listening to the drum requires you to be present in the now. The space of silence between the beats, is where one listens in respect. I invite you to put your ear to the pulse, to the drum of creation, and listen to the heartbeat of the Universe. From the book Listen To The Drum.